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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > JUDGMENT OF THE LIGHT > Star Eater

Star Eater Used Deck

Star Eater
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Synchro Monster
Effect Monster
- 11 Dragon 3200 2800
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Must be Synchro Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card's Synchro Summon cannot be negated. When Synchro Summoned, cards and effects cannot be activated. If this card attacks, it is unaffected by other card effects until the end of the Damage Step.
Average Rating Score 8.2(47)
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"Star Eater" card reviews and rating scores

40% (19)
48% (23)
10% (5)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan asd
2023/01/06 17:27
Yugioh Icon
A card that has been active as a valuable general-purpose level 11 synchro for a long time.
The main reason for using it was that there were no decent competitors in level 11 synchro.
With the appearance of 《Psychic End Punisher》, it feels like it has finished its role.
japan ブルーバード
2022/03/04 19:22
Yugioh Icon
An 11-star Synchronized card when it first appeared, and a general-purpose card that caused a stir in the neighborhood. Thanks to the resistance when landing and the resistance when attacking, I can hit it for the time being, so it is easy to use for what is written. The RBI is high for the ease of putting it out, and it can be used as a combat personnel. Note that pump up does not make sense with the effect of ②.
With 11 stars, which is too niche, it seemed safe, but a formidable rival, 《Psychic End Punisher》, has emerged. It's a modern card, so it's high performance, but it's conditional, but it's a perfect resistance, and the RBI is higher there. I want to be differentiated by being a Dragon.
japan バルクホルン
2020/02/24 22:34
Yugioh Icon
When I think of the only one, I think of this level 11 Synchro Monster.
It may appear later...
Currently level 11, he is a Synchro Monster.
It has a high ATK and is attractive to seal Counter Trap God series (especially 《Solemn Strike》), but it can't be helped that your own cards will also affect it.
In addition to countering permission Decks that use Counter Trap a lot, I think there is no harm in adopting Full Monster Decks...
japan シエスタ
2020/01/31 8:50
Yugioh Icon
With two unspecified requests, it has a reasonable resistance to a high RBI of 3200.
Above all, the point that it was only level 11S for a long time was a big advantage.
However, his Deck, which deals with level 11S, is still rare, and to be honest, it's hard to say that it's an effect that you can rely on, so it can't be said to be a high priority.
And in 2022, the same material specification and level 11S called Psycho End Punisher will appear.
Depending on the opponent, there are times when this is stronger, but generally the performance is higher.
His position has narrowed, but fortunately he is a Dragon and a blessed race, so depending on the environment in the future, there may be opportunities to be prioritized...
japan ユメ
2020/01/30 23:02
Yugioh Icon
Sun Dragon Inti》+ A trump card of the Inti Quira Deck that can be played with Ascator.
Inti and Quira will have a hard time breaking through if a monster with 3000 or more DEF is placed sideways, so it is surprisingly useful as a way to break through the situation.
In terms of stats and visuals, it feels like the secret boss of the Inti Quilla Deck, and I like that. Of course, the rarity is gold.
japan アルバ
2018/02/08 22:33
Yugioh Icon
The only Level 11 Synchro rather than the general purpose Level 11 Synchro.
Synchro summoning is not negate and the effect is not activated when the synchro summoning is successful, so it is easy to land on the field.
In addition, it will not receive any effects when an attack is declared, but unlike Lightning, it does not allow any activation, so if the opponent strengthens themselves, it will be repented, so it is not invincible in battle.
At first glance, it seems that the resistance is very strong, but it is full of holes. It seems that there is also.
Still, it is a fact that resistance and RBI are strong, and I think that he will play an active part safely if it comes out.
japan アメメ
2017/09/08 10:11
Yugioh Icon
None of the effects are bad, and the impression that it is organized with a safe feeling
However, it doesn't mean that you can get ads and it doesn't have super resistance.
In the future, if a general-purpose level 11 synchro appears, it will likely become a subtle existence.
At present, it is the only level 11 Synchro Monster, so the evaluation is lenient.
japan なす
2017/07/03 0:53
Yugioh Icon
The only level 11 synchro, no material restrictions.
It is very strong with a resistance that does not negate summons, prevents card effects from being activated at the time of summoning, and is not affected by card effects during battle. However, since it has no resistances other than those, it is preferable to use it as a finisher.
japan アームド強化来
2016/09/24 18:30
Yugioh Icon
The illustration is the coolest
feels like last boss
The name is simple and cool.
The English name "Star Eater" is also cool
japan はやとちり
2016/07/09 10:29
Yugioh Icon
A card that can be given 10 points only with illustration ads.
Although it loses to Lightning, it does not receive Counter Trap, does not receive Naraku, does not receive Mirafo, does not receive debuffs or reverse effects, 3200 RBI,
Moreover, the performance without the drawback that synchro he comes out quite easily with Deck.
You can smash Apoqliphort down and be the ace of the Deck.
In Japanese, it means a dragon that mimics a star, or a dragon that behaves like a star, but in English, it's interesting that it's a dragon that eats stars.
japan 怪盗七夜月
2016/06/20 20:24
Yugioh Icon
☆ 11S monster with resistance.
Logarithmic limit, tuner limit, nothing is nice...
Although the firepower is a little low, can it be used normally?
japan 悩めるお花屋さん
2016/05/26 22:26
Yugioh Icon
I feel the will of iron and the strength of steel to hit absolutely once
Is it a tailwind for this card that the number of god counters has increased and conversely the number of overpowering has decreased?
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/05/25 14:21
Yugioh Icon
I'm sorry that I looked at the kanji and it looked like a ◯ style dragon for a moment.
☆ 11 general-purpose Synchro Monsters.
Since there are at least one tuner and one non-tuner monster, there are no restrictions on synchronizing, which is nice and easy to handle.
Even low-level (synchronized) is easy to put out, so it's enough as an ace.
Cards that negate summons cannot be activated. If the summoning is successful, the opponent cannot activate its effects, so it is possible to safely bring down cards that activate in line with summoning, such as God's ◯◯ and other summoning negate-type cards, as well as Torrent Funeral. A man who will definitely appear.
Although it is limited to when this card attacks, it is "unaffected by effects other than this card", in other words, it is not even affected by permanent effects, so it is one of the few cards that can easily break through Apoqliphort Towers.
(Killer's Special Summon weakened → ATK 2700 / DEF 2300 → Hit the killer with Star Dragon → Killer's effect is no longer affected by the effect of Star Dragon, ATK 3200 / DEF 2800 → 《Apoqliphort Towers” is destroyed in battle.
It doesn't have any resistances other than when summoned or hit in battle, but with the increase in bogus resistance, I think this is just right for an ace monster...
japan ファイア野郎
2016/02/20 11:26
Yugioh Icon
A Synchro Monster that stops interference when summoned and attacked.
Thanks to the two resistances, you can attack safely,
It can be said that it is a perfect performance as a finisher.
Above all, level 11 general-purpose Synchro Monster is the only and biggest potential.
Debris Dragon and 《Masked Chameleon》are the ideal ways to get level 11 easily.
japan sento
2016/02/19 17:57
Yugioh Icon
11 Synchro is a great match for decks that make full use of low-level tuners such as "Resonator" and "Synchron"! It can also be evaluated that there is no body number designation.
It's an excellent tuner from level 10 and 9, and you can hit it without worrying about anything other than a free chain.
It may be rare to care about this, but it also supports honesty.
japan ゆくら
2016/02/19 9:43
Yugioh Icon
High level Synchro Monster with resistance
Since he has over 3000 RBI, he can generally win battles.To put it simply, he gains a resistance effect when he enters the battlefield from a Synchro Summon and when he hits.
However, he is very weak against target effects and furiche, and there are people who hit him with 5000 at rank 4, so he won't be able to keep it on the field for a long time.
On the other hand, there is no 11th level material specification, so he can be used with two bodies, so he can be easily summoned with Pendulum theme etc.
However, he is Synchro Monster's strong point.
By the way, he is also an unexpectedly plain effect for the level and illustration
japan 迷走の聖刻印
2016/02/18 1:26
Yugioh Icon
simply power card
Synchro summoning is not negate, and it has the advantage of ignoring Torrent Funeral and 《Thunder King Rai-Oh》.
Unlike lightning, the effect when attacking is not affected by the effect, so it may be counterattacked by Honest, but during that time you may not receive the permanent effect.
There are 3200, so it's convenient and easy to get out.
The reprint was too late, and the frame for the Holy Chronicle Synchro has disappeared
japan ラーメン
2015/12/21 22:00
Yugioh Icon
3200 brain muscle points that are resistant to god counters and abyssal torrent Mirafos and have no material restrictions.
At the end of the main, there is a possibility that it will be removed by Friche such as Kakutsu and Godova, but there is no need to fear the God counter, and you can almost certainly pass 3200 RBI attacks. is painfully clear.
It's a high level 11, but it doesn't have any material restrictions.
japan 真の仲間
2015/08/12 2:27
Yugioh Icon
Level 11 General-purpose synchro
Has resistance to summoning reaction type and attack reaction type effects and is very easy to attack.
I think the name and illustration are pretty cool
Star Eater is the English version of Mosuki
japan 池田ァ!
2015/05/03 23:50
Yugioh Icon
finisher. strong. cool.
It's very nice to be able to use cards like Trishula and Mistworm that take adverts when summoning, but what happens after they're summoned as Synchro materials. But I wanted a few points later...
If it is 4000, there is no complaint anymore. It's a charm to be weak against free chain cards. I think the best selling point of this card is that it's level 11 synchro and the material is 1.1.
japan hio
2014/09/17 15:22
Yugioh Icon
The only ☆11 synchro.
With resistance when summoned and when attacked, if you summon and attack immediately, you can carry out the battle without any hindrance.
He has a high RBI and is a reliable finisher.
And because of its loose bindings, it can be summoned with various decks, and in his deck that uses a lot of "low-status high-level monsters", it is often summoned from Masked Chameleon and debris.
It's just vanilla in the opponent's turn, but it's still a card with enough specs as a general-purpose Synchro.
japan ABYSS
2014/03/20 0:35
Yugioh Icon
The only level 11 synchro.
It seems to have strong resistance, but it is surprisingly fragile. The opponent's turn is defenseless.
Still, the finisher performance is high thanks to the loose binding and powerful RBI.
japan 光天使
2014/01/26 19:31
Yugioh Icon
Debris is sometimes taken care of. The 3200 RBI that summons are not negate for some reason is strong. It's hard to accept any card effect during battle without material restrictions.
Just looking at this, it looks strong at first glance, but as others have said, it's defenseless against free removal or opponent's turn, and it's not that good to have a good presence. Personally, I think it would have been better if there were about 3800 RBI. (Are you greedy?)
It's better to think of this monster as a finisher monster with an open finish rather than a type that dominates the field.
japan ☆セレナ☆
2013/08/23 18:54
Yugioh Icon
It's easy to get out with Debris Dragon or Masked Chameleon.
And there are no restrictions on materials
It is also a feature that summoning is not negate.
But frankly speaking, there is nothing better than that. ATK seems to be a little low probably because it is easy to put out.
As for myself, the tuner Normal Monster appeared at level 6 in Shadow Specters.
I think it would be fine if this starry dragon was included in the extras in the sacred time.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2013/04/30 13:59
Yugioh Icon
Starry dragon. I never thought a level 11 synchro would come...
At first glance, it seems reckless, but since the binding is quite loose, it is possible to summon it by catching the Mist King with debris or catching Giraffa with 《Masked Chameleon》.
The effect is exactly the trump card of summoning and making the opponent completely immune to attacks.
It's weak against Honest and Free Chain, but with 3200 RBI that doesn't care about other cards when hitting, it has overwhelming control power.
Therefore, it has absolute performance as a finisher.
2013/04/29 23:15
Yugioh Icon
I really like the feeling of a powerful dragon
japan りゅーのす
2013/04/27 15:29
Yugioh Icon
The effect is excellent with a Dragon-like impact!
It's wonderful that the summoning is not negate! !
japan イッキューたん
2013/04/20 18:27
Yugioh Icon
Since two bodies can be synchronized, it is possible to complement the RBI in many decks.
I don't get "Morphing Jar #2" so I don't feel blue www
Incredibly versatile?
japan NEOS
2013/04/20 8:08
Yugioh Icon
The first Level 11 Synchro for Extra is here.
It is attractive that there is no restriction on the material and it is relatively easy to synchronize.
Also, since it doesn't interfere with Synchro Summoning, it's easy to use.
The third effect is only applied when attacking, but it is attractive that you can attack without worrying about the opponent's cards.
If you can afford extras, I would like one. However, since the level is high, is it difficult to play an active role only with a dedicated Deck after 2 copies?
japan せな
2013/04/20 1:19
Yugioh Icon
It's delicious to be able to summon with Gearspring Spirit and Birdman without using summoning rights!
It looks like it's easy to put out even with Cyberdark, so I want one as a machine user.
Of course, if Deck can synchronize, there are plenty of good-looking guys to hire.
After a successful summon and during the Battle Phase, I'm worried about 《Compulsory Evacuation Device》in Main Phase 2 and fragility during the opponent's turn, but I'm looking forward to seeing how Synchronized Stars will wreak havoc on the environment.
Will you satisfy me?
japan サタン
2013/04/15 18:40
Yugioh Icon
A perverted dragon that boasts such high abilities that debris seems to be a limit.
It can be easily deployed by mixing Debris with Mist King or Dragon Ruler. However, if you can't finish in that turn, there is a danger that you will be reversed on the return turn.
Even if you put them aside, the overall ability is high enough to be the final decisive factor.
japan セラ
2013/04/14 23:23
Yugioh Icon
not negate the summons
Invincible in Battle Phase
Still, the RBI is high at 3200 and the defense is also high
Works well as a finisher
The difficulty is that it is defenseless in the opponent's turn
japan ヴェノミヤ
2013/04/14 21:04
Yugioh Icon
Debris Jund Enhancement Declaration! !
Maybe this is the cover of the next pack...
after a while···
Hope Ray Victory... (@ Advantage @ .:;)
Our 11 Synchro 《Star Eater》has finally arrived! !
Is your ATK 3200 because you didn't want to beat Shooting Star?
Superlative synchro with pretty good defense.
Debris Dragon's new workplace.
It was to create a consistent finisher...
Now that Trishula is gone, something is ingrained in Debri Dragon's heart...
As if to cancel it...
japan とき
2013/04/14 20:06
Yugioh Icon
Superdreadnought Level 11 Synchro Dragon descends here.
However, the material restrictions are very loose, and it is a card that can do various evil things in combination with Debris Dragon.
If you use Mist King, you can get out of debris and Masked Chameleon in one shot, and if you use it together with Veiler in Dragon Ruler, you will not be afraid of flying G.
As a card, it has a strong resistance when summoned and is strong against attack reactions, but there is a lot of anxiety such as the weak penetration power of 3200 and no resistance during the opponent's turn.
I'm not sure if it can be used as a finisher, but is it still a card with great value? It doesn't seem to be an environment-class card, but it has been evaluated for its presence as a general-purpose level 11 card, and it is gold.
japan たけのこ
2013/04/14 17:14
Yugioh Icon
A perverted dragon! ?
Has the 11-star Synchro finally arrived?
Since there are multiple, I would like to expect that it will be easier to put out tuners in the future
9 points with high hopes! !
japan ナル参照
2013/04/14 15:01
Yugioh Icon
The Hoshi 11 Synchro that finally came out was a huge dragon that swallows even the stars
It's no exaggeration to say that you can't even activate a counter when summoned, but it's an effect and RBI. Is it because the body is too big that the abyss confinement doesn't work?
But against Friche cards, such as Escape and Karma Cut, it's very weak and effectively no better than vanilla, which is just hard.
But even so, there are many excellent points, such as two materials and a dragon of light. Debris Mist King is also attractive.
japan 光芒
2013/04/14 14:42
Yugioh Icon
His level 11 Synchro Monster finally appeared in the Xyz environment. At first glance, leveling up to level 11 may seem difficult, but since there are more than one non-tuner, summoning a combination of Dragon Ruler + Debris is not difficult. The summoning will be negated, but when the summoning is successful, he will have Spells, Traps, and monster effects, not only Naraku torrent, but even Counter Traps, such as sentences and warnings, will not work. .
japan みめっと
2023/11/26 18:39
Yugioh Icon
japan たたた
2023/11/05 11:10
Yugioh Icon
japan ねこーら
2024/06/09 23:31
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2024/03/29 21:54
Yugioh Icon
japan 2014/01/20 6:45
If you put me out, please finish it on that turn as much as possible
It looks like it's written.
There are no material restrictions and it is easy to put out,
RBI is low for this level.
Well, 3200 is still a high number.
If you can become a finisher with just this number
To be honest, I think even Gao can do it...
Moreover, even if the fang king becomes a return turn
To a certain extent, he still remains a troublesome existence...
But this is also a place where you can use the debris dragon
Raise the rating somewhat.
yeah? Are you forgetting something? Heaven breaking dragon?
He's already old.
japan 2013/06/11 23:18
Noot NS, Rise Belt SS with Kintele, and Noot level 7. Synchro with 3 guards of Flamvell SS with Nuto effect.
It has become indebted to
japan 2013/05/06 0:11
strong! Just this one word.
japan 2013/04/24 20:26
The effect is perfect
summoning is not that hard
There are no restrictions and you can put it in various decks!
I just wish I had a slightly higher score.
japan 2013/04/22 0:22
It's a sacred time, so I'm sorry. high stability
japan 2013/04/14 21:59
1 Astral Dragon in Steelswarm
2 《Masked Chameleon
1 《Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
I was going to put it in, but one of these guys costs 800 yen, it seems like it's going to be over 800 yen, it's dangerous

Decks with "Star Eater"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
JUDGMENT OF THE LIGHT JOTL-JP047 2013-04-20 UltimateUltra
GOLD PACK 2016 GP16-JP012 2016-02-20 Gold

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,228 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 409,510
Level 11 Best Monster Ranking 14th


Japanese card name 星態龍

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